After an extraordinary public relations start with media, the public, and elected officials, NFABC is preparing for the battles ahead

  • The Media

    The number of media reports generated since NFABC was created in October has been staggering and welcomed. This is a huge issue.

    News report about Turquoise Tower in Pacific Beach
  • The public

    Large number of subscribers and 70% open rates for eNewsletters. Average views of well past 10,000 for fact-based Nextdoor posts.

    Scott Chipman of NFABC points to balloons at a rally
  • Elected officials

    Elected officials have stepped up to oppose the Vela proposal. NFABC is very grateful, but knows tough battles are ahead.

    political support for opposition to Turquoise Tower
Pro-housing designated cities such as San Diego have gone above and beyond to do their part to address the affordable housing crisis. I have long been an advocate for creating more affordable homes for San Diegans of all incomes and will continue to do so in my second term. However, this project (Turquoise Tower) as proposed does not align with State or City policies to build more affordable homes and will not address the affordable housing crisis in San Diego’s coastal communities.
— San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria

LaCava, Gloria each hint changes are needed in laws for cities - like San Diego - that already are promoting housing

For the city of San Diego, it’s particularly frustrating because, unlike other cities up and down the state, we’ve been very aggressive to try to make it very easy to build housing.”
— Joe LaCava, SD City Council President