Let’s plan responsibly

Let’s plan responsibly

I oppose the 23-story high-rise proposed on Turquoise Street.

With only five affordable housing units among its 213 total units, this tower doesn’t achieve the goal of providing significant affordable housing. In fact, a three-story building planned just down the street on Turquoise provides many times more affordable housing units – without breaking Proposition D’s 30-foot height limit or San Diego zoning laws.

What makes this 23-story tower even more objectionable is that it was not planned responsibly. Plans don’t address:

·       Traffic impacts. Some 500-600 additional car trips are projected on already crowded streets.

·       Inadequate sewer and water infrastructure that can’t support the project.

·       Inadequate fire safety abilities in a community where a lack of equipment/training led to fatalities in a fire at a shorter high-rise a few years ago.

·       Concerns about building such a tall structure in an earthquake zone.

·       Concerns about environmental impacts on nearby properties.

The list could go on. The point is that while we need more affordable housing, we also need responsible planning that will allow the additional housing to be added without significant negative and potentially dangerous impacts to the community.

Thank you

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We need housing, but not a 23-story high-rise


Density-bonus high-rises don’t make housing cheaper